If you are a person responsible for the organisation of sightseeing tours or visits to places of particular tourist qualities, GuideTour system is an offer for you!
The biggest advantage of using one-way wireless audio transmission systems in museums is a possibility of making the exhibition a quieter place. Even big groups visiting the place with a guide do not cause an increase in the level of noise. The guide can communicate the information in a calm voice and the visitors listen to the information more willingly, since they can hear the guide clearly. It is often so that due to problems with hearing the guide properly, tourists lose their concentration and are not interested in further stories. In the case of GuideTour, the absorption of information is much higher, owing to good quality of transmitted sound. As a result of decreasing the level of noise, one exhibition can be visited by more than one group. The coding technology and a multi-channel system of the devices allow you to use a few sets within close distance to each other without causing any interference. It is enough to set them to different channels.
The idea of using headphone systems has been for many years successfully used in such countries as for instance Italy. The systems must be used obligatorily by groups visiting some of Roman of Florentine monuments. In Poland more and more often the management of tourist facilities decides to introduce a similar obligation. The service of renting the devices is subject to a fee and it is most often connected with the entrance ticket. An additional cost of renting the system for group tourists is usually not too high and benefits derived from using it are appreciated by tourists. GuideTour is an investment which will pay itself off. The time in which the cost of purchase is returned depends on the intensity of tourist traffic in a given place.
The set of transmitters and receivers can be perfectly supplemented with a charging case which, when connected to the mains, enables you to charge devices equipped with rechargeable batteries.
The advantages mentioned above, namely: making the exhibition a quieter place and a possibility of having a few groups in the same place at the same time, are equally important in churches or cathedrals. A lot of sacred places possess exceptional architectural and cultural qualities. Independent of the nature of organised trips, churches and cathedrals are a common element of the sightseeing itinerary. A lot of them have a beautiful history which is told by their lavish interior, eclecticism of decorative elements and the abundance of ornaments and additional elements. On the other hand, they are active places of religious worship, requiring proper solemnity, often sacred by events of major importance. The building which for some is an interesting visiting spot, for others is a place of daily prayer.
Thanks to the GuideTour system, it is possible to combine the two roles played by sacred places of exceptional cognitive values. Imposing an obligation of using tourist headphone systems introduces proper tranquility and respect to the places, keeping the sacred sphere as intact as possible. The fees which the users of the system are charged can be used for the purpose of maintenance of the place and renovation works. Also in this case, the charging cases are good addition to the set.
We are aware that you yourselves know what is best for your business. Knowing the frequency of visits to the place, you can define an optimum set of the system easily. This is why, when ordering the GuideTour set, you can choose the elements which you consider useful and order them in any quantity. Each of the elements is priced separately and is fully compatible with the others. Our clients can also decide whether they choose the purchase of devices or a long-term rental which would allow them to avoid one-off expenditure.