Those who are interested in our product, have a possibility to try it out. Thanks to this option, you will have a chance to examine the equipment, try out the way it functions and check its quality.
Regardless of whether you are interested in purchasing the system or renting it, you can request our company to send you a trial set by means of the form below. Within a few days we will send you a parcel containing a transmitter, a receiver and the necessary accessories to the indicated address. Having tested them and having got familiar with the functions of the system, you will send it back to our company. The devices are made available free of charge. The only cost that you need to cover is the cost of sending them back.
When ordering the test set, please be mindful of the fact that the devices shall be returned in a condition showing no more damage that the one resulting from regular use. In the event of damaging or losing the samples, the ordering party shall cover the cost equal to the value of the lost products in accordance with the pricelist on
The samples are lent for the purpose of examining the goods; they may not be used for commercial purposes. The ordering party shall not sublease or transfer the products elements of the Equipment to any third parties.
If you want to try out the GuideTour system, please use the form below: